Q: Does Ad Commander support displaying AdSense auto ads only on all posts of a specific custom post type?

Edited Mar 11, 2025A: The setting to enable the AdSense script is global for the site. However, this can be accomplished a few ways:
1) Turn on the AdSense script in Ad Commander settings, and enable Auto Ads on your AdSense account. Next, add a custom function using the filter `adcmdr_adsense_head_script_enabled` to return true when you'd like the AdSense script to load. For example: `return is_singular('news') || is_post_type_archive('news');`
This solution would return false for all other post types and pages, causing the AdSense script not to load. If you need additional help with this solution, reach out to support.
2) You could create a script ad in Ad Commander that contains the Google AdSense script. Use this method instead of enabling the global setting above. Then create an automatic placement to place this script before </head> and use content conditions to target your post type. This accomplishes the same as #1 -- the AdSense script will only load on News.
3) You could avoid using auto ads altogether. Instead, create AdSense ads in Ad Commander and place them using automatic placements. Use the content conditions to target single news pages and post type archives for news.