Along - Plus Exclusive

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Member since: Oct 2022Deals bought: 124
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Dec 14, 2024

First project completed, interesting platform

Bought a licence yesterday and completed a first "test" project.

I already knew those kinds of "buyer engagement platforms" through another supplier.

I like this one as it is easy to get hands on and it integrates some visual elements like "progress" that is easy to understand for the customer.

Also precious, having the possibility to insert attached documents like PDFs, whereas usually it is a link that has to be embedded. Along offers both possibilities.

I now need to go through other functionalities but so far so good.

No too sure about the customization background, seems to be limited to one colour (grey) and one colour for the buttons. Hoping that, at least, button colour can be modified for each project.

I recommand anyway for its simple design, straightforward functions and stability!

Founder Team


Dec 16, 2024

Richard - thank you for the feedback and I love to get this kind of review!

We are a hard working group of people with a lot of passion for building software and the ultimate goal to empower an elevated buying experience for rather complex buying relationships in B2B.

Regarding branding - I can share this document with you for some specifications:

You can:
- Set a font type
- Set a primary branding color (for buttons)
- Set a background color to default grey or a lighter color of your primary branding color

The Access Screens for buyers will also be impacted by the branding, so that the experience is consistent.

Please share more feedback if you have any questions, I am here to help!
