Q: How many employees can I schedule?
You talk about Employees, Users, and Teams. If I purchase Tier 1 which gives me 5 Users, how many employees can I schedule and how many Teams can I create?
Edited Jan 13, 2025A: Hello,
In Camelo, a "user" or "member" refers to any individual within a workspace, including the owner, who is counted as one member. If you purchase Tier 1, it will give you 5 members. It means you can schedule 5 employees with unlimited teams.
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Thank you,
So... Users aren't just Admins or Managers, Users are Employees too?
Yes, it is correct
You replied to the OP: "If you purchase Tier 5, it will give you 5 members. It means you can schedule 5 employees with unlimited teams."
But there is no Tier 5 (only 4), I think you meant to give an example with Tier 1.
Yes, you're correct. Answer updated. Thank you!