Q: Transportation: Drivers pick-ups and drop-offs

Drivers pick up and drop off clients' goods.

1. Can drivers clock in at pick-up locations and clock out at drop-off locations?

2. Do clients also receive notifications when the job is completed?

LinkJomoPLUSFeb 9, 2025
Founder Team


Feb 12, 2025

A: Hello,

Drivers can clock in at the pickup location and clock out at the drop-off location. However, if you want to require drivers to be physically present at the pickup location to clock in and at the drop-off location to clock out, we currently support restricting this to only one location—either pickup or drop-off. This is because our system allows only one job site per shift.

Regarding the client notifications, we're working on it on the next version of our CRM. Could you please send an email to hello@camelohq.com to elaborate more about your use case?

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