LinkedIn will ban your account
It is not safe to use like other apps. My account got banned in just 3 days after using this. Stay away

Dec 21, 2024Hi there!
I spoke directly with our Product team regarding your case, since we haven’t received any complaints from our clients about their accounts getting banned in a while. They checked and noticed no suspicious activity on your side. Your actions and the account limits are outstanding according to LinkedIn’s standards.
It seems LinkedIn selectively sends these notifications to active accounts, but there is no issue with yours. This is just an additional verification step from LinkedIn's side.
We recommend that you pause outreach activities on these accounts for 1-2 weeks during Christmas. This will give your accounts a "rest," and then you can resume outreach afterward.
Besides that, we also monitor all changes LinkedIn implements and recommend that our clients follow certain suggestions, which you can find here: This will help you avoid getting restriction again.