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Q: I have no idea how to make it stay in context

I'm trying to create a long novel using this but it continues to go out of track without referencing the correct personality, settings, or occupations, etc. of my characters. Do you have any demonstration on how to make this work better when I, for exmaple, generate a chapter outline?

herman925PLUSMar 9, 2025
Founder Team


Mar 9, 2025

A: Contextminds is currently optimized for working with existing information and combining it with your ideas. Making it work also for writing fiction is one of the next steps.
Before we add some more native support, one feature that is already in the works could help you: as soon as we add support for uploading or pasting longer texts and making them part of the context, you could have a document that describes the characters, which you would add to each context map.
We will create some examples for that as soon as this feature is deployed.

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