Honestly, not sure. However, I had seen done prior and AS oversee's all so I figured would not post if unacceptable. Have submitted for refund but AS does not want to honor. Hope that helps
why refund? Does it not work? I bought Tier 2 and it would never register, I never got it up nor working, and they give me the run around and its only been 3 weeks or more. No one can get it to work. So sad as it looked awesome. Ah, just today finally they got it working with the help of AppSumo, so I am no longer a FREE TRIAL person. I hope that it will work. Why did you find this service poor?
Q: Are you telling us we only get ONE SEAT with Tier 1 and SEVEN SEATS with Tier 2 even though it says UNLIMITED??
I'm so confused. From what I'm reading in the comments, the Appsumo listing says 'UNLIMITED' seats, but you're telling us in the comments that we only get 'SEVEN' seats with Tier 2. Is this correct? Are you saying that AppSumo has been notified of this but has not corrected it?
Hello Discopia team,I am not able to reachsupport hence writing here (what is best way to get a reponse in a day or 2?) 1. I always see hosted withdisctopia on my episodes. how do we disable them? 2. How do we get embed code? I do not see it under share, or in editmode anywhere. Kindly help
A: Thank you for contacting us! I’m happy to answer your questions and provide the best way to get a response from our support team.
1. Disabling "Hosted with Disctopia" on Episodes The "Hosted with Disctopia" branding appears by default. To remove branding, this feature is only available in Tier 2 (Agency Plan) or through our Enterprise services. If you're on Tier 1, branding cannot be removed...
after searchign through here, i found https://disctopia.zendesk.com/hc/en-us sharing for others' help.Request founders to have this butotn / link ON the account page not external
Helo discopia, the "Remove branding from embed player" does ot go , ony the disctopia name goes, but policy link with disctopia still remains even on tier 2
Q: Remove branding from embed player
Why does the "Remove branding from embed player" option not fully remove all Disctopia branding, leaving the policy link on tier 2?
Share Disctopia
Q: No M4a support for audio
When can we expect that
Share Disctopia
Q: Interested in Tier 2 ???
If interested I have a Tier 2 license willing to sell...leave email here in responses and I will contact.
Share Disctopia
Verified purchaser
is that acceptable? My Tier 2 will not register!!!
Honestly, not sure. However, I had seen done prior and AS oversee's all so I figured would not post if unacceptable. Have submitted for refund but AS does not want to honor. Hope that helps
Verified purchaser
why refund? Does it not work? I bought Tier 2 and it would never register, I never got it up nor working, and they give me the run around and its only been 3 weeks or more. No one can get it to work. So sad as it looked awesome. Ah, just today finally they got it working with the help of AppSumo, so I am no longer a FREE TRIAL person. I hope that it will work. Why did you find this service poor?
Q: Are you telling us we only get ONE SEAT with Tier 1 and SEVEN SEATS with Tier 2 even though it says UNLIMITED??
I'm so confused. From what I'm reading in the comments, the Appsumo listing says 'UNLIMITED' seats, but you're telling us in the comments that we only get 'SEVEN' seats with Tier 2. Is this correct? Are you saying that AppSumo has been notified of this but has not corrected it?
Share Disctopia
Q: embed mode
Hello Discopia team,I am not able to reachsupport hence writing here (what is best way to get a reponse in a day or 2?)
1. I always see hosted withdisctopia on my episodes. how do we disable them?
2. How do we get embed code? I do not see it under share, or in editmode anywhere.
Kindly help
Feb 4, 2025A: Thank you for contacting us! I’m happy to answer your questions and provide the best way to get a response from our support team.
1. Disabling "Hosted with Disctopia" on Episodes
The "Hosted with Disctopia" branding appears by default.
To remove branding, this feature is only available in Tier 2 (Agency Plan) or through our Enterprise services. If you're on Tier 1, branding cannot be removed...
Share Disctopia
Verified purchaser
after searchign through here, i found https://disctopia.zendesk.com/hc/en-us sharing for others' help.Request founders to have this butotn / link ON the account page not external
Verified purchaser
Helo discopia, the "Remove branding from embed player" does ot go , ony the disctopia name goes, but policy link with disctopia still remains even on tier 2