Q: Interested in Tier 2 ???
If interested I have a Tier 2 license willing to sell...leave email here in responses and I will contact.

Verified purchaser
is that acceptable? My Tier 2 will not register!!!
Honestly, not sure. However, I had seen done prior and AS oversee's all so I figured would not post if unacceptable. Have submitted for refund but AS does not want to honor. Hope that helps

Verified purchaser
why refund? Does it not work? I bought Tier 2 and it would never register, I never got it up nor working, and they give me the run around and its only been 3 weeks or more. No one can get it to work. So sad as it looked awesome. Ah, just today finally they got it working with the help of AppSumo, so I am no longer a FREE TRIAL person. I hope that it will work. Why did you find this service poor?