I think I'd just get frustrated if I was forced to follow the script at a predefined pace with no room to improvise. Since you are recording my voice, you should be able to identify where in the text I am reading and scroll the text at the pace I read, and pause the scrolling when I pause or go off script. Or even better, allow me to select key words in the text that will trigger a scroll affect when I reach those key words.
A: Thank you for your valuable suggestion to enhance our app. Currently, this feature is not available, but we appreciate your input and will consider adding it in the future release.
A: The script scrolling speed cannot be controlled by an external Bluetooth device. The speed is set within the application and does not support external Bluetooth control for adjustments.
Hi there, I purchased the lifetime offer. However, I've just gotten a new phone and seems I can't access the paid-for plan on my new phone (same number). This is a life-time offer and obviously people don't stay with the same phone for life.
Secondly, how do I set a default speed instead of having to reset this every single video? Thanks
A: Hey there, We apologise for this experience. We request you to please send your registered email ID and coupon code here: sales@itechnotion.com. Our team will look into it and help you resolve this issue.
Q: Can the text scroll at the pace I read?
I think I'd just get frustrated if I was forced to follow the script at a predefined pace with no room to improvise. Since you are recording my voice, you should be able to identify where in the text I am reading and scroll the text at the pace I read, and pause the scrolling when I pause or go off script. Or even better, allow me to select key words in the text that will trigger a scroll affect when I reach those key words.
Edited Feb 20, 2025A: Thank you for your valuable suggestion to enhance our app. Currently, this feature is not available, but we appreciate your input and will consider adding it in the future release.
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Q: Script speed
Hi There, where and how do you change the speed of how the text moves as that is the main purpose of this app and it is not clear.
Feb 20, 2025A: When you start recording a video, a speed button will appear at the bottom left corner of the application, allowing you to adjust the script speed.
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Q: Does it support Arabic language?
Jan 31, 2025A: Currently it does'nt support Arabic language.
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Q: Is the script scrolling speed controllable by a Bluetooth device?
Instead of setting a specific speed, is the script scrolling speed controllable by an external Bluetooth device?
Jan 31, 2025A: The script scrolling speed cannot be controlled by an external Bluetooth device. The speed is set within the application and does not support external Bluetooth control for adjustments.
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Q: Not working on new phone
Hi there, I purchased the lifetime offer. However, I've just gotten a new phone and seems I can't access the paid-for plan on my new phone (same number). This is a life-time offer and obviously people don't stay with the same phone for life.
Secondly, how do I set a default speed instead of having to reset this every single video?
Jan 24, 2025A: Hey there,
We apologise for this experience.
We request you to please send your registered email ID and coupon code here: sales@itechnotion.com.
Our team will look into it and help you resolve this issue.
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