Q: Just purchased! If I DELETE a store can I then REPLACE it with a new one?

I'm thinking that I want to try to market a certain niche, but if that niche fails for me, can I go ahead and delete that store and start a new one from scratch? I've bought Tier 2 with 5 stores.


SumoglobinPLUSDec 5, 2024
Founder Team


Dec 5, 2024

A: Hello,
Thank you for your question!
It is not recommended to delete a store.
You can always delete all the information added to your previously created store and change it to a new niche. Do not hesitate to contact our team directly so we can guide you through the process if needed 😊

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Posted: Dec 5, 2024

So we are allowed to replace a site, but the best way to do that is just delete all the info instead of just deleting the whole thing and starting from scratch? Can we also change the domain that it's linked to?

Posted: Dec 6, 2024

Yes, you can change everything and add a new domain name!