Q: In their **current form**, I have confirmed that the Unlimited Plan and the Free version are essentially the ...

same (again, in their current form). Even the free version allows for multiple links which I have confirmed. This basically means that this deal is for the remaining premium features which are not available yet, including unlimited admins, white labeling, and data exporting.

Also, the current UX/UI is the same for both the Free and Unlimited Plan version which I supposedly got upgraded to, as there is no visual indication to distinguish the two. There's not even an upgrade button in the free version, as we basically have to email you to get on an "upgrade" list since the upgrade doesn't exist in any visually confirmed way.

So it appears you are currently advertising a premium version that is not yet available because the additional features are still in development/testing. Are you basically advertising a deal based on a promise of making the premium features available at some point in the "near future" even though that date has changed several times since May?

SumoProPLUSJul 21, 2023
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hello,

yes UI&UX looks same on front end, but looks different on backend.

We are advertising a version, which is unlimited of usage and we will add all the features mentioned above. We have big some delay and we apologize for it.

Thanks for the understanding.

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