Q: New Credit System - Follow Up 2...
Thank you very much David. I really appreciate your last response. As many other users here I purchased TIER 3 and that is what was offered, (beside 4k Video, 1TB space...)
Al text to video: 6,000 times per year
Al text to image: 6,000 times per year
Text to speech: 3,600,000 characters per year ... and much more...
The information detailing the contents of each TIER is still accessible on this website and everyone can see it! With the introduction of the new credit system, we now receive 9,600 credits annually. It’s clear that this !! significantly !! limits our capabilities compared to what was initially promised. In my opinion, we simply don't get what we paid for! Isn't there a better solution to accommodate us LTD users?
Maybe an increase of annual credits for LTD users is a solution? I don't know. Do you? Let us know, please.