Q: Divi compability
I have tested the free version of the plugin, but it is not really working well with Divi.
It doesn't do full width sections and like adding a custom button style the background extends over the actual button. just weird.
I know Divi 5 is on the horizon and might not worth fixing this right now, but will these issues be addressed in the future?
Otherwise I like the plugin for it's simplicity and would buy the pro if I knew it will be fixed and fully compatible with Divi sometime soon. Thanks!
Oct 31, 2024A: Hi, thanks for reporting this to us. We will do some testing to verify and possibly fix the problem. We have seen the new beta version of Divi 5 and will try to make it work with fluxtore for the future, assuming there are no major impediments that allow fluxtore to work with this new version of Divi. Have a good day R&T.