Q: Audio / Video Content Protection
Is there any Audio / Video Content Protection? So users cannot download my content using something like IDM? Thanks.
Jan 15, 2025A: Hey vikram60, thank you for the question.
We do our best to make it as difficult as possible for users to download your course content using tools like IDM or similar browser extensions. Our platform incorporates multiple layers of protection and streaming content in a way that minimizes the risk of unauthorized access.
That said, it’s important to note that no platform can guarantee 100% protection against content extraction. Even if we blocked all major screen recording software or video extraction tools, users could still resort to hardware-based recording methods (e.g., using a camera to record their screen).
Feel free to reach out through the live chat on our website if you have any other questions.
/Adrian at Forento
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I am more concerned about IDM or similar browser extensions. Are those blocked? I know most people will eventually find a way if they want to, but those are the most used and would be great if you guys were already blocking those.