Bugs, Crashes, Lost links to PDF, No Save (only download to save). Need to save OFTEN...Uses up a download each save.
Bugs, Crashes, Lost links to PDF, No Save (only download to save). Need to save OFTEN...Uses up a download each save. The amount of times working with forms and crashing requires me to save almost after every change. Burned 25 downloads on just one 2 page PDF because I was saving so often. Then the "my pdfs" lost all links to my files. had to delete everything and start again. Not ready for primetime, but it is amazing what a online tool can do even with crashing.
In the forms section there is NO text box, but you can use the date tool and change it to None rather than date and it becomes the text tool.
There is a few fonts but none with a script look for signatures.
Pressing enter on the properties windows doesn't update but clicking inside window does.
I used MS Edge while using the software.
I think it is still useful enough that I am going to keep it. Just be aware that you will burn through your downloads as that is how you can save your pdfs.
Nov 5, 2024Hello,
Thank you for sharing such detailed feedback on your experience with GoPDF. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the crashes, download usage during saves, and the challenges with form functionality. Your observations are invaluable as they help us improve.
We’re excited to let you know that we’ve launched a new version of GoPDF, addressing the stability issues you mentioned and optimizing the saving process so that downloads are managed more efficiently. We’ve also made several updates to improve form features and responsiveness in the interface.
We would love for you to try the latest version and see the improvements firsthand. Your experience and feedback are incredibly important to us, so if you do give it another go, we’d appreciate hearing how it works for you now.
Thank you for your support and patience as we work to enhance GoPDF!