Q: Do you have a public road map?

I'd love to see what's coming up. Here's a couple of features I'm interested in:

- being able to set a base url for an environment
- schema viewer/explorer - slightly different from asking questions, I just want to view the document
- GQL formatter in the editor
- some layer above/below collections - if i work with multiple APIs i want to have a load of collections for API 1 and a load more for API 2, etc

Very interested to watch this product grow!

118284427463342589019Aug 30, 2024
Founder Team


Aug 30, 2024

A: Hey,

I've just published a basic roadmap and will add to this moving forward:

You can set a baseUrl for the environment.
1. Create a new environment in the footer.
2. Add a variables like "baseUrl" with your value "http://localhost:3000"
3. In the URL enter "{{baseUrl}}" if it turns blue we have picked up the env.

I've added nested collections, schema explorer and formatting to the roadmap.

I'm also working on some better docs to show all of these more "hidden" features.

If you have other requests, please feel free to reach out to me at anytime! There is also a "support" button on the sidebar menu with contact options. I'll add the roadmap here too.

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Posted: Aug 30, 2024

Thanks for the quick response!

Sorry about the baseUrl question - I was sure I tried that, but I must have missed something. Can confirm that works wonderfully!