Q: Are these features added yet?
Sounds like a useful Chrome extension. I was reading the Chrome Store's reviews and one in particular stood out to me. I would like to know if you have added in further functionality to the extension considering these missing features that were highlighted in the person's review at the time of their review:
"Keyword in answers only works if the keyword is the single word of the answer otherwise its not working. No ability to combine with other keywords. no ability to decline spammer countries (mostly african countries, india, Pakistan, chinese spammers...). no ability to approve if a keyword exists in a comment. no ability to approve if no answer are provided but a post is made or a comment is made that contains a keyword."
Is it possible to add these features if they are not already in the extension?
Many thanks!

Jan 7, 2025A: Hi,
1. Currently you can decline by one city
2. Group Collector does not currently match the comment or the post contents. It only matches the answers.
We will look into adding these features if we see more user demand.