Q: Desktop App
Hi Julian!
I have been a user for few months now and the product is robust there is no doubt about it.
I have been following closely your updates here on updates and I know desktop is coming later this month. I have one request thought: PLEASE do not make the desktop app require admin rights to be installed. Let anyone on the computer download Hedy as per his access rights. Many organisations are very rigid when it comes to what to be installed and requiring admin right would be a NO for using Hedy.
One more question: for security purpose, where are the data stored for our conversations? is there any option to keep the data being processed locally on the phone or device itself?

Edited Mar 10, 2025A: Hi Rudy, thanks for the feedback. System permissions is not something we have considered so far, so that's really valuable for you to point out. Hedy desktop will require the user to give permissions to access system audio (at least on MacOS... we haven't gotten to Windows yet), and there's a good chance that will require admin permissions. We'll do some testing around that now that you pointed that out.
Regarding security: by default all conversation data is only stored on your device. If you turn on Cloud Sync, copies of your conversations are also stored on our Firestore database in Google Cloud Platform.
We have comprehensive privacy and security documentation here:
If there's anything that is not answered in our docs, please let me know so we can add it!