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Member since: Nov 2018Deals bought: 67
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Jul 13, 2024

Nice concept but lots of flaws

I liked the idea of some extra language practice and doing while under hypnosis - we 've all seen The Matrix right?

Sadly, while the hypnosis and active listening part of the app is good, it falls short in the vocabulary section with difficult to determine illustrations, and then the pronunciation gave me weird phonetic spellings of words I know exactly how to pronounce in my target language but couldn't figure out the spellings. There are also bugs with one examples being "What is the correct pronounciation of "ganz" a)halo b)allo or c )hello ??? Ummm

No worries I thought it's just a bit buggy, so i went to the grammar topic yes it's PDF to view, so I figured I would go on my laptop to read it there - can't find any way to view the courses on the website and the default language is French until you change your language in your profile. Heh?

OK, I'll do it in app, view the grammar as a PDF on my phone, this is fine, in English good, bit small on phone but I'll cope. Now let's look at the transcript download of the lesson I did, French again!

Please fix these errors I want to access the lessons on a laptop as this is an accessibility issue for me, and these bugs need looking at Perhaps you are a French company but how many users on Appsumo speak French as default?
