Q: Are goals vs. projects; iPad OS; Videos; Calendar

Hi Jennifer,

Thank you for the product.

I would like to set up Projects with tasks, subtasks, due dates and completion dates. I consider goals to be be different than projects.

1. Please share the best way to setup projects.

2. Also, may I use the app on my iPad also?

3. Do you have a YouTube presence that may show tutorials? I did not see your channel.

4. Are there plans to color -code the google calendar integration? My google calendar is color coded but Illumtori did not pick up the colors. Everything is blue.

Thanks again,


realpropertydivaPLUSEdited Jan 9, 2025
Founder Team


Jan 9, 2025

A: Hello,

Thank you for your support and feedback! Please see below:

1. Project management is a feature that we plan to roll out this year.
2. Yes! The web app supports iPad's dimensions.
3. We are a startup so we currently don't have a Youtube channel yet.
4. Great idea - we will add this to our development roadmap!


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