Q: Are goals vs. projects; iPad OS; Videos; Calendar
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for the product.
I would like to set up Projects with tasks, subtasks, due dates and completion dates. I consider goals to be be different than projects.
1. Please share the best way to setup projects.
2. Also, may I use the app on my iPad also?
3. Do you have a YouTube presence that may show tutorials? I did not see your channel.
4. Are there plans to color -code the google calendar integration? My google calendar is color coded but Illumtori did not pick up the colors. Everything is blue.
Thanks again,
Jan 9, 2025A: Hello,
Thank you for your support and feedback! Please see below:
1. Project management is a feature that we plan to roll out this year.
2. Yes! The web app supports iPad's dimensions.
3. We are a startup so we currently don't have a Youtube channel yet.
4. Great idea - we will add this to our development roadmap!