Q: Successfully submitting indexing requests vs sites actually getting indexed

Are you able to comment on the following Reddit post by a Google indexing Saas company who said he just shut down his business because using the Google Indexing API does not work any longer with the changes Google made last month:


Now a 2nd company has shut down.

If indexing was working fine with those two Saas companies before this recent change with Google using the Google Indexing API with their programs but neither one of them are working now, what is IndexGuru doing that is getting sites indexed still, that these other companies using the Google Indexing API are not able to now?

Successfully submitting requests is different than getting pages indexed. Are you getting pages indexed this month? If so, how, when other companies are not?

110283090513755260303PLUSOct 25, 2024
Founder Team


Oct 25, 2024

A: I can't speak to the decisions of other companies shutting down, but Indexguru offers more than just Google Indexing API. We provide a range of tools, including performance reports, monitoring, and indexing across six different search engines—Google is just one part of our business model.
Since the recent changes, we’ve experienced both performance spikes and drops. Many of our customers have reported that our service is still working for them. Ultimately, it’s about testing and finding the right strategies that work for individual sites.

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