Blurweb App

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Member since: Jul 2023Deals bought: 27
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Feb 5, 2024

Love it as a Small Biz Coach & Course Creator

This is a must-have for a coach or content course creator. I critique random sites for students. Spotlighting others is necessary in my teaching. Respecting their privacy and hiding shop names, etc. immediately builds trust with my prospective students who do not want their info shared.

Reading feedback for this app from others, the negatives seem inflated. It's $17 - that's less than me grabbing a bite for lunch in San Francisco.

I needed support post-purchase and directly emailed them. Sanskar got back to me and even followed up to make sure it worked.

Additionally, I got Blur SCREEN because I needed to hide the URLs and blur my bookmark bar. Something to note if you need that function. Love it. Also great and has shortkeys when using.

It was a no-brainer purchase for me, especially considering cost and purpose.
