Q: Hola Cesar, The app looks great.
The big question: Will Whitelabel include CNAME?
For example, for Polls, can we put our own URL instead of using your domain?
i.e. encuesta.micompania.com instead of polls.chatwith.io?
And also, once the contact has clicked on the link it is redirected to a result page which should show our own URL.

May 14, 2024A: Sorry, we do not do on-premise or cname yet.
If this become available, we will update the product.
We think that makes sense only for large companies.
Hi Cesar,
I think CNAME is not optional, is a matter of "when" and it is not just for enterprises. You can check it out about that here, at AppSumo: Sumolings LOVE White Label!
For me is a (really) big issue :(
But, ok, not possible now...
But..., at least, you could offer "generic" options, instead of your domain, link whts,app or zapool.io don't you agree? Could you consider this in your roadmap?
Thanks in advance.