Q: 80 email personalisations a month is ridiculously low!
most people sending email outreach will be sending over 80 a day.
you might want to have a rethink about how you offer credits vs character count.
...150k characters? worth buying.
...80 credits? waste of money.
May 15, 2024A: Hello,
Each generation gives you 5-8 outputs or about ~2000 characters depending on the tool you use and costs you one credit.
You can use 80 credits for 80 outreaches, or you can use 80 credits for 20 Generations of LinkedIn Outreach, 20 Generations of Cold Email, 30 Generations of Blog Content, and 10 Generations of Ad Copies each month.
Please let me know if you have any other queries, and I will be glad to assist.
Thank you,
I just wanted to update you that we have increased monthly credits from 80 to 200 credits per month.
It is equivalent to 400k characters, and 200 credits would give you about ~1000-1200 personalized intros for your cold emails!
We have also added more cold outreach tools like Audio icebreakers, Image icebreakers, etc., that might be useful for your outreach requirements.
In case you have any questions, please feel free to let me know, and I will assist 🙂
Thank you,