Lackluster and rude customer support
I had already purchased 2 codes for MimicPC, was holding off purchasing a 3rd code with my $25 plus coupon. But they pulled out of Appsumo without warning, leaving me with no option to pull the trigger for a third code regardless of plus coupon.
I decided to purchase a third code on Dealify, as MimicPC is present on several platforms that offer LTD's. However, codes from different platforms for the exact same product does not stack.
Reaching out to customer support trying to figure out an amicable and productive solution was met with response such as "not our problem" and other gestures not worthy of sharing. This is a clear indication of what to come if they make it past the first checkpoints, one that I have no intention of supporting.
Their CS pushed me from excitement and exploration to direct refund, I cannot support a company that treats their customers as shit.