Q: Future Updates
Hello, I am ready to buy Modular DS. It looks fantastic. I just have one last question. Will future updates be included. I understand that future updates from the starter plan are included in the deal but are there any major updates planned for the business plan? I also understand that even most of the business plan features are included from tier 3 onwards. That's really generous and perfect for me since we are not an agency but run a dozens websites for our own businesses. So I love the offered plans. I am just worried about the possibility of missing out on any major updates. Please clarify. Thank you!
Jan 15, 2025A: Hello Gerhard17461!
I can tell you that the most important updates will be for all PRO plans. Like we have always done. You can see in our plans now that the only feature exclusive to the Business plan is the White label plugin. Our focus is that even small agencies or freelancers can enjoy Modular with the basic plans. And the difference will be more with number of websites always.
Fantastic. Thank you so much for the quick and clear reply. I will go ahead and get on board. I am really excited.
Verified purchaser
That's great! Love to have you on board!