MonSpark Server Monitoring - Plus Exclusive

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Posted: Nov 13, 2024

seamless integration

Server monitoring integrates seamlessly with MonSpark website monitoring, which we have been using in a comprehensive version for years. After purchase, the corresponding resources are simply added to the account: in addition to 0 out of 1000 websites, 0 out of 100 servers can also be seen and a new server monitoring can be created in the same way as website monitoring via “Create”.
However, the same interface should not obscure the fact that these are two completely different processes: website monitoring works passively, the existing website is asked something by means of a request and then provides a corresponding response (or not), to which the monitor reacts (certificate expires, website unreachable, ...). Accordingly, it is sufficient to enter the URL in the monitoring and then make specifications for evaluating the response (e.g. is the following text on the website or not).

When monitoring the server, however, an installation guide appears immediately, currently only for Linux and Windows, Mac is in preparation.The term “instructions” is a little generous: it is an installation script that is retrieved on the corresponding server via curl, so every server admin initially sees the security risk here - more comprehensive information about the script would therefore be an important improvement. After installation, this script then actively sends monitor data to MonSpark, from memory utilization to energy status - possibilities that would of course not exist with a passive query.
We already have similar functions via another script through the data center where our servers are located. If your data center does not provide this in any form, MonSpark ServerAddon is a must-have. Otherwise it is a good addition, important servers should always be doubly secured in many ways.

Founder Team


Nov 25, 2024

Hi Klest,

We’re glad you’ve been using MonSpark’s website monitoring for years and appreciate your insights on our new server monitoring feature.

You’ve highlighted an important distinction between passive website monitoring and active server monitoring. We’ll work on better communicating these differences within the interface.

Regarding the installation script, we understand security is a priority. We will try to write detailed documentation to explain the script’s functions and data collection for full transparency.

It’s great to hear you already have similar data center tools. We agree that adding MonSpark’s server monitoring can provide that extra layer of security, whether as a primary or complementary solution.

Thanks again for helping us improve!

Best regards
