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Member since: Mar 2023Deals bought: 52
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Edited Dec 2, 2024

No support

It's been 4 WORKING days i sent them an email and got no answer.

My problem is that my campaigns are switched off by themselves for no reason. I have about 7-10 email accounts warming up and just warming up. No active campaign, so no bouncing emails, checked DNS and are fine, checked blacklists and also fine... so... Can anyone tell me why? how do i solve it?

I have also DoYouMail, from the same company, and since that is not part of this deal i won't comment anything, but am opened to tell anyone who replies to this post my negative experience with them.

This is the most OWNER oriented company i've ever seen, they don't care about clients.

I give 3 tacos because the software works, all they need to be customer oriented.

Founder Team


Dec 2, 2024

Hi Chris,

We’re sorry to hear you’re encountering difficulties in using Mystrika to its fullest for your business growth.

Please note, our team doesn't work over the weekend (that means Saturday and Sunday), unless it's a system disruption. As today is Monday, I would assume the email was sent on Friday and hence yet to finish 48 hours of SLA.

Also, for the generic questions that don't need us to look specifically at your account, we highly recommend our customers redirect questions to our community ( ) instead. This makes users that have faced similar issues come together to clarify things, as well as opportunity to do a quick search to find answers to them.

Based on your question above, it seems we need to do better at making our users understand what exactly warm-up is and what it does. We have the same documented at

As you can see in the article above, email communications happen not just for emails that are sent for outreach (for campaigns) but also between email IDs within the warm-up pool, and the error message would mean your sending email ID failed to send an email to someone within the warm-up pool (as no campaigns are active).
