No Code MBA

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Q: Will you develop courses for the no code automation tools sold previously on AppSumo please?

Hi Seth,
I’m an accountant, not a coder. I have bought multiple AppSumo no code automation tools on AppSumo, that are supposedly easy and simply require webhooks, but they are all shelfware at present because of their lack of beginner tutorials.
My frustration is HUUUUGE., Flokzu, KonnectzIT, Layerpath, Konnectify, U-xer, Stackby, Python RPA, Robomotion RPA, ActivePieces, RTILA, Frontly, TaskMagic and the list goes on.
I should be sitting on a beach by now, with an army of automation tools running everything but it’s all junk ware at the moment.
If you can help me unlock the power of the AppSumo no-code automation universe, you deserve to be a sainted Superhero.
Can you save us and redeem the lack of support for non techies please?

IltaphJan 16, 2025
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Posted: Feb 5, 2025

Ha - welcome - the question is more what did you want to achieve with them? I made simply the same mistake as having something is not doing something. Take time and write on paper what you want to achieve. If you then need more help drop a message to me

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Posted: Feb 5, 2025

Thank you for your kind message and offer.
You are correct, I need to construct an architecture and process diagram and requirements specification.
That is not the premise of these tools when they are sold, but it is the reality…