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Q: Is it only for developers?

From a quick view into YouTube to me it looks usefull just for developers..
Could I use it to fill a form automatically with dynamic data coming from a Google sheet?

matteo77PLUSOct 17, 2024
Founder Team


Oct 17, 2024

A: Hello,
Our initial target market is developers but it does not preclude from anyone else using our platform which could be thought of as a factory to quickly spin up virtual computers with predefined configurations using a repository of workspace templates.
Currently, we have templates mostly for developers and are in the process of building out templates for other roles.

For your specific task example, you could create a workspace using any of our developer workspaces and get the task accomplished using something like robot framework but that would entail a development effort.
A less/no-coding approach would be to use a web-browser where you could use, for example, a proper browser extension. We are currently working on adding a web-browser workspace template.

It would be great if you could register on our platform (you don't have to pay for our license, can just register using our free plan) and/or join our discord community ( That way we will be able to notify you of any updates, share our roadmap, provide help, and answer any questions you may have.


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