Its not perfect yet, but its great!
I am using Olly with my local Assistant (AI) and I am really liking it!!! Its doing what its promising!
The only wish I have is to personalize it a little bit more... I mean there are some functions to set up customized buttons and functions, but to me it feels like its not getting enough information just from these settings... The generic comments are really good and I am using them quite often- the customized one are ok but not even close to as good as the generic ones... There might be some existing setting that I do not know about... but I would wish that the customized version is getting better...
Yash, really great product!!! Well done and feel free to reach out to me if you would like to collect more information or a bigger feedback!

Dec 27, 2024Thank you so much! Please do write me on i'd love to talk to you!