Q: Hi a few questions if i may.

I like how your system can convert a document into e-learning. My focus is on IT instruction of systems, etc. My questions are as follows:

I didn’t notice it, but is it possible to not have AI images when generating the course? I feel I would get better mileage to do the images separately using Ideogram, editing in Canva to remove items and replace text.
For audio narration, can I adjust the timing of the audio if I add it to a slide?
For say, a podcast, can I add this audio to the slide with a player?
Any way to lock or hide layers so as not to keep selecting the wrong item on canvas? For video, I was in design and preview mode and did not see a way to use video controls. The main audio control in the menu at the top doesn’t mute video audio?
Change the opacity of the background to make it less prominent.
Thanks. Richard in the UK.

richard900Feb 26, 2025
Founder Team


Feb 26, 2025

A: Hello Richard
Answers below:
If you want to remove images from a screen, just upload a block colour image of any kind- or search for "white" to replace the background image.
You can delay an audio by editing the audio itself - but there is no time delay function on audio - only images and animation I'm afraid.
The mute controls any narration added by the presenter or voiceover only.
You can select items in a layer by selecting from the 'IN SCREEN NAVIGATION' menu on the left hand side of the screen. You do not need to use the preview window for this.
If you go to the background colour of any text box etc (see OBJECT PROPERTIES) you can change the opacity there.
Many thanks for your detailed questions.

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