Q: programma e utilizzo
I don't understand how I can use the program. I create a course and after. I can distribuite it only in my organisation ter 1. I have an association I can distribuite to my partners? After that I create it how the can use it? I need another platform or I have a space from you where the partners can enter to do it? Can I generate from the course a little video (with a peace of course) to distribuite it in the social? Thanks a lot
Jan 16, 2025A: Yes Tier 1 is for distribution within your own organisation, Tier 2 you can develop for another organisation as well as your own and Tier 3 you can sell to anyone and rebrand etc.
You can distribute the course as a link, embed it on a website or download the SCORM file (elearning standard format) for inclusion on any Learning Management System.
We provide a freemium and paid for Learning Management System at https://openelms.com/landing-page-open-elms/
Please note these are interactive eLearning courses and not videos as such. You can see examples at https://openelms.com/examples/
Many thanks for your question.
thanks a lot can I integrte your program with OnlineCourseHost.com? and I would like to know (if its' possible) if in tier 2 I produce it for another organisation, after how can I controle if they sell the product to everyone? I will have some problems with you? I can't be responsabile about it.
As with any copyright issue, a part of the sale is to maintain your own copyright.
If OnlineCourseHost.com is a SCORM LMS then yes, you would need to check with them, I could not see any reference on their site to it.
perfect with plan 3 I'm ok.

Verified purchaser
Still not clear. My scenario for OPENeLMS: I have a biz website; random people (general public) get to it via social media ads; course is offered for sale on my site as part of the product portfolio; my website manages exclusive paid access to the course as part of biz revenue; course access also sold via non-website advertised landing pages. To sell course this way, what OPENeLMS tier do I need?
Tier 3 - "No limits on course distribution and resell"