Great product and value for money
It really is as easy as a few clicks and relatively minimal information to generate a professional looking course. The information is laid out well and seems to be comprehensive. I've just played around with it so far and am impressed.
I would like to edit the narrative of the presenters if possible in the future and tweak the intonation of the voice over. I'd also like to have the option for text to be presented in different ways, for instance, words enlarging on the screen when the voice over discusses a key point or zooming in from the side, etc. I realise it's currently possible to delay presentation of text by adding a delay. The only other request would be the option to download as a video and I understand that's on the roadmap so will be an option in the future.
This is great software for anyone interested in course creation. It is a solid 5 taco product and incredible value for money. The points I've listed are just what I would like for it to be perfect.
Feb 3, 2025Hi Carol
Good ideas - we do have some text based formatting options again on the roadmap (users can select font styles etc.) to add a more automated polished presentation in the pipeline. Dynamic text is a good idea :)
Many thanks for your 5 stars, it's very much appreciated.