Q: Can you also easily edit PDFs documents?
Is this tool also able to edit a PDF document that you import? Can you easily make changes to existing PDFs like adding and removing rows?
Does it pick up the fonts and style on the imported PDF? How about logos and icons, can you copy and paste them?

Jan 16, 2025A: Here’s how PDF-API.io handles imported PDFs:
Editing Imported PDFs:
While you can import existing PDFs, our tool does not allow direct editing of the content. You can, however, add new elements to the PDF, such as text, images, or form fields.
Fonts and Styles:
Yes, our tool can pick up the fonts and styles from the imported PDF, as long as they are embedded in the file. If the fonts are not embedded, they won't be recognized correctly.
Logos and Icons:
Unfortunately, logos and icons cannot be copied or modified directly from an imported PDF. To make changes, you would need to upload those assets separately.
Let us know if you have further questions or need assistance with your use case.