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Q: PlanPros vs IdeaBuddy

How does the business plan created with your tool compare to the one created by another tool on AppSumo called IdeaBuddy? It seems from the listing details they are very similar.

MarkSZPLUSFeb 15, 2025
Founder Team


Feb 15, 2025

A: Good question.

The best way I can describe the difference is that IdeaBuddy is consumer-grade and for the "wantrapreneur" while is commercial grade and for the "entrepreneur."

IdeaBuddy will help you play around with and improve your business concept.

But if you want to develop a detailed business plan and financial projections that investors and lenders will take seriously, you need to go with PlanPros. PlanPros generates your plan in the precise format the investors and lenders needs and is based on our unique experience/expertise helping over 100,000 entrepreneurs create business plans over 20+ years that have raised billions of dollars in funding. also gives you much more flexibility in tailoring your financial projections to your precise business case.

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Posted: Feb 17, 2025

Thanks for the reply, that was very helpful.

Posted: Feb 18, 2025

My pleasure!