Q: Is this 'TOS' thing preventing companies from using an e-commerce tool negotiatble?
Definitely interested in a higher tier without the 'TOS' constraints keeping larger businesses from using this. Honestly.. I have had this feature on my roadmap for our online product configurator & mobile app for a few years, but as a lesser priority. It will take longer, but we would rather develop our own custom solution than pay another subscription. Sub models like that are why we created our product store configurator 100% in house. The profitability just isn't there for a sub model. Reconsider adding a higher 'business class' tier free from that 'TOS' and I'll be the first to buy and review you here hands down. I love what you're doing here, but can we even consider some form of a hybrid compromise?
Feb 7, 2025A: Hi Zizuar, thanks for your interest in Polymuse. We are open to discussion, but we don't intend to put the product configurator piece on Appsumo deal at this moment. Lets connect over a call and I would love to chat about what you are thinking. Email me at ssarker@polymuse.tech