Press Ranger

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Q: Clarification questions

1.) Our Appsumo purchase does not come with the Basic or Premium Press Release?

2.) The one click option is just a tools to assist in executing the Basic or Premium Press Release, if purchased?

3.) We have to pay for each Basic or Premium Press Release?

4.) If the above questions are true, what's is the difference in using the features provided in our Appsumo purchase vs the paid Basic and Premium Press Releases? Please explain

5.) What is the benefit or need for more users if the other features are the same for tiers 8-10? Note, Im trying to determine which tier to purchase 8-10?

6.) Are backlinks provided in our Appsumo purchase or just in the Basic and Premium Press Releases?

7.) With out purchasing the basic or Premium Press Releases, what services are we able to provide clients?

Thanks for the answering my questions.

thomas.anthonyPLUSDec 4, 2024
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