Great Product- Fantastic Support
Although I don't feel like Roundups is a 100% polished product yet, the premise of the app is great and very easy to use. I have reached out via email and the feedback page numerous times and have gotten very quick and detailed responses every time. Josh has been great and very open to listening to feedback. Personally, I'd rather have a product that isn't quite polished, but the team is responsive and willing to work with it's users than one that's been around for years and they don't respond to feedback. Overall, I am very happy with my purchase and have already used it a handful of times.
Jan 28, 2025Thank you. I don't think we'll be fully content until it's 100% polished. It's an ambitious goal, but reviews like this only motivate us to push towards it. I've seen a bunch of LTDs pitch products as 100% polished, but that can set false expectations. We'd rather keep pushing to dial things up and work towards bigger plans and goals. Happy to have you on board on our journey in our quest to become a leader in product research.