Do Not Use This They Cheat Customers And Make You Spend More Money Just To Cost You More Clients
I am so upset at this ridiculous product. All of these emails are clients. I do not use email lists. Last time they told me to send it through a validator so I bought one and sent it through. The next two emails they allowed 8767 and then 12119. So today I get back from Antarctica and I have 63 people who paid for my go pro footage. I upload the list, build the email and boom, optimized. Are you joking. There is no chat there is no one to help they just laugh as they cost you money! THESE ARE MY PAYING CUSTOMERS WAITING FOR THIS EMAILED LINK. Pleas use any other app as I have been fooled by the company again.. Forced to buy a validator that they immediately put me back to optimize. You guys are a joke. YOU CANNOT COST US MONEY. Get out of the market you are a joke