Q: vidyard Or loom

Hi Team, I work a lot with highly personalized videos or voice notes on LinkedIn. Can you tell me why I should use your tool instead of directly using loom or vidyard?

0c5458688b8a4c458a115b2d213e0306PLUSFeb 2, 2025
Founder Team


Feb 6, 2025

A: Sure. There are so many reasons.

1. Style - our visual looks a raw and a little unpolllished. In other words it looks really human.
2. Our interface and many features are accesable right on the browser.
3. It is designed for short personalized videos with different formats (vertical, horizontal, square, blure or picture background). + Animated Gifs.
4. Advanced settings for devices.
5. Has stored messages for easy and instant replies that work with your videos. Again designed to move form one conversation to another.
6. Has built in content creation AI tools that create posts and also help you reply to comments.
7. Built-in simple CRM. It's a big deal as the majority of your sales are lost due to not following up properly.

Lots of other stuff too. But basically Skoop is really a "Relationship building and Sales Tool"

Hope this helps. :-)

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