Q: Individual Profiles

I am a therapist and coach. I have my clients complete a 25 sheet Excel Spreadsheet to quickly collect data. The 26th page is a collection of bar graphs of the formula-driven outcomes for each sheet. I then summarize the findings into target areas based on those outcomes. My Question: Is it possible for SlideFill to automatically create a unique presentation specific to each client? If so, is there training on how to do that?

dcarter73Feb 8, 2025
Founder Team


Feb 11, 2025

A: Hi there!

Yes this would be possible in the case the unique presentation needs programmatic text based data to be added to the presentation. Are you looking to customize each presentation with personalized text or graphs? We currently do not support graphs but are close to launching this feature. For text and images, this would be possible today.

Have you had a look at our How It Works page on SlideFill?

You can also reach out to our support, happy to walk you through how to do the above on a call!

Thank you for looking into SlideFill!

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