Q: Not Unlimited Monthly?
1. Just want to clarify that this is for only 1 million characters, period, and that this is not a monthly lifetime deal? Usually when a 'Lifetime Deal" is on Appsumo, it means lifetime, as in so much usage a month. Not a a one-time quantity buy.
2. If above is correct, do you have any plans for a deal here for how I describe it usually works here? (If so, then I'm definitely interested)
3. If not, can we stack purchases?
4. What is on your roadmap for future capability?
Hello there it is one-time buy and code stacking we have applied to make it monthly unlimited is not accepted. So, it is one time buy. You, may purchase multiple code and can use another code after your 1 million characters are used from applied code. We are not looking to add any new plan on Appsumo.
Totally deceptive. Sick of this.