Q: Comparing to Google Translate and DeepL ?
Is the transaction similar to DeepL or Google Translate ?
I know for a fact that Google Translate is not accurate at all and the translation is machine-like very unnatural (not human translation).
Is this similar to DeepL ?
Does this mean no human translation or interpreter is needed?
Nov 20, 2024A: Hi, much better than DeepL with our AI Plus translation.
We have some big companies customer using this features.
But it doesn't mean to be perfect, you may still need to proofread it, but with very few errors to correct. Although it's almost good enough for human to read without any trouble, but just not perfect.
How we gonna proofread it if we don't speak the language... Isn't this the point of selling this?
You can trust the result then, if the original subtitle is correct, the AI Plus translation rarely fails you.
Proofreading is for making professional video, and you know both of the languages, in this case, we're just making life easier.