Q: GDPR compliance in europe?
hi mike,
i really took the last days to dive deep into SD to understand things. While doing this i thought that in the announcement at Appsumo GDPR compliance is mentioned. Today i wanted to create a booking form for prospects. Sitting in europe i know that we have to display a checkbox that the user accepts that gis sata is stored for the mentinoed purpose of the form. I could not find such an element and thought i should perhaps look into your terms and privacy document to check that „GDPR thing“. In your terms and conditions is written that all the data is stored on US servers which, if so this is not compliant with GDPR for europe as we have to insure that the data is stored in europe. So could you please clearify that to me? Thanks in advance

Feb 7, 2025A: Hi there :)
Thanks for spending time to dig in!
We are a member of the Data Privacy Framework which was very recently established as the successor to the Privacy Shield Framework, and this enables the GDPR compliance of data as it moves from US to EU and the other signatories to this compliance agreement.
RE: The checkbox, you can easily add this as a Custom Field and mark it as required. This has the added benefit of storing their consent in your database for future reference/proof if somehow needed.
Hope that helps!
Are you sure 'we have to insure that the data is stored in europe'? As I understood GDPR you just need a written statement from the provider that they are compliant with GDPR policies and practices regarding data privacy. The data does not have to physically reside in Europe. The issue is not where it is stored, but how it is stored.

Verified purchaser
Hi Planto,
A U.S. software manufacturer that is a member of the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework automatically meets GDPR requirements for data storage on a U.S. server, provided it is properly certified and its processing of personal data falls within the scope of this certification. However, Read full -> https://www.perplexity.ai/search/wo-durfen-mussen-daten-gespeic-DGHfo7N0Q4CpuQ04sfd8VA#2