Q: Can someone explain the device limitations to me?

For example, Tier 1 says "1 Device". Does that mean one device ever (so if I decide to migrate to a new computer I'd need a new license, or if I want to use it sometimes on my computer and sometimes on my phone, new license?) or 1 device simultaneously? Like I can be actively using it on both my phone and computer at the same second?

FeedYourCuriosity.blogFeb 17, 2025
Founder Team


Feb 17, 2025

A: Hello! Absolutely!

You can activate or revoke devices at any time, so you won't be locked to the initial device you set up.
Also you can activate multiple devices as long as you have the appropriate license (from Tier 2 and above).

Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.

Best regards,

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Posted: Feb 17, 2025

What a fast and helpful response! Upgraded to Tier 2! Thanks, Felipe!

Posted: Feb 17, 2025

I'm here for and because of our users. We value you a lot! Thanks fr the upgrade.

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