Q: Clarity regarding Workspaces
Hi, I purchased 2 Upbase Codes in 2023 but only have 1 workspace and 10 members (no option to add anymore workspaces).
I notice on the updated page here that I should have 2 workspaces.
Is this correct? Is yes, how do I get my account set up properly?
Jan 15, 2025A: There's no difference in how the codes work for both campaigns. The number of lifetime workspaces you can have in each tier depends on how you use the code. With each code in this campaign, you can either:
• Add 3 additional team members to an existing lifetime workspace, or
• Upgrade a new workspace to the lifetime plan, which includes 3 members.
For example, if you purchase tier 3 with 3 codes, you can configure your workspaces as follows:
• One workspace with 9 members.
• Two workspaces with 6 and 3 members, respectively.
• Three workspaces with 3 members each.
I hope this clarifies things.