Q: The site and visit limits are wayyy to restrictive for a completely new product.
Would consider trying it if that was changed, but currently that’s a dealbreaker.

May 15, 2024A: We hear you. A lot of the other folks that have commented the same, so we made the executive decision to 5x the pageview limits for every tier.
This means
Tier 1 now has 10k pageviews/mo
Tier 2 now has 25k pageviews/mo
Tier 3 now has 50k pageviews/mo
We've never changed limits on any of our AppSumo product listings, but with this one I couldn't help but agree we set the limits a bit low to start.
The new limits are already live so if you purchase a code, you'll get way more pageviews. We're talking with AppSumo now to get it changed on the listing.
Cheers & appreciate your feedback :)