Q: is this possible?
when i use webhooks, can i predefine the output before, so this would be possible:
1. formatting the data like: title: ...; subtitle: ...; text: ... and then directly send it to obsidian (in my case via a webhook).
2. can I create an invoice for a customer. so it would sth. like extract all relevant datas, trigger a get-webhook (is it a existing customer and already in CRM) then trigger another webhook, where the invoice gets created & sended to the customer.
I could solve anything with just one webhook, but it would be quite awesome if i could format the datas beforehand.
is it only BYOK or do we really have unlimited transcripts per month?
Do you have some examples for people who use this for productivty?
is it possible to get asked before a webhook gets triggerd? (so only post it to social media if the formatted transcript is good)