WP Login Lockdown

Product details

Q: A few questions

Would you consider adding in Plugin & Theme Obfuscation like WP Hide & Security Enhancer? They appear to have an extensive overlap in functionality plus a lot more even in their free version.

The only thing that would make me happily purchase WP Login Lockdown would be the centralised dashboard if these other features were integrated. Any plans or roadmap for this?

DimmersPLUSSep 7, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 9, 2024

A: Hi,
Thank you for taking an interest in WP Login Lockdown.

No, we do not have any plans to make this plugin like WP Hide & Security Enhancer.

However, we do work on the plugin all the time, and have some new features in mind. You can find the roadmap here and even vote/suggest features here: https://trello.com/b/f5rUxu1N/wp-login-lockdown-public-roadmap

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Posted: Oct 11, 2024

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